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Monday, October 3, 2011

Sarah Palin- dedicated to Christian Dominionism

“Palin QUIT her Governor's job, when she could have asked the State of Alaska to defend her against the eithics charges she claims were so overwhelmi­ng. Well, what about "reloading­"? She was cited by Republican legislatur­e for abusing her privileges in the Wooten affair. If you can't even serve one 4 year term as a Governor, how will you make it through the intensely more stressful job of government­.?

She QUIT her job as Oil and Gas commission­er

She took payment for over 300 days of per diem from the Alaskans for sleeping in her own
bed, which she had to repay to the State, only after an ethics charge

She just barely graduated from college, mostly with community college credits

She's on the record as being a christian domionioni­st, who accepts the bible as the ultimate guide to government­, instead of the constituti­on. People like Palin would IMPOSE christian biased laws on all Americans.


Finally, Palin must feel she needs protection from WITCHES!!. Watch the video!
She is friends and was anointed by a witch doctor persecutor named Pastor Muthee,
Muthee persecuted poor old women in Africa, and caused deaths there.
