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Monday, October 3, 2011

Sarah Palin- dedicated to Christian Dominionism

“Palin QUIT her Governor's job, when she could have asked the State of Alaska to defend her against the eithics charges she claims were so overwhelmi­ng. Well, what about "reloading­"? She was cited by Republican legislatur­e for abusing her privileges in the Wooten affair. If you can't even serve one 4 year term as a Governor, how will you make it through the intensely more stressful job of government­.?

She QUIT her job as Oil and Gas commission­er

She took payment for over 300 days of per diem from the Alaskans for sleeping in her own
bed, which she had to repay to the State, only after an ethics charge

She just barely graduated from college, mostly with community college credits

She's on the record as being a christian domionioni­st, who accepts the bible as the ultimate guide to government­, instead of the constituti­on. People like Palin would IMPOSE christian biased laws on all Americans.


Finally, Palin must feel she needs protection from WITCHES!!. Watch the video!
She is friends and was anointed by a witch doctor persecutor named Pastor Muthee,
Muthee persecuted poor old women in Africa, and caused deaths there.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Palin's idiocy reaches new heights of delusion

With the debut of  books released by credible sources Frank Bailey and Geoffrey Dunn, the Palin sycophants
are under the gun to build any credibility to their princess

Caribou Barbie herself has been reported on good authority by a waitress' first hand report in an Arizona restaurant as being obssessed with the Iimmoral Minority Blog

PAY-lin is trying to counteract the negative publicity of these books, and the upcoming Alaska email releases by her pathetic "fundamental" tour of the Eastern US.  She's actually very worried that some of these emails will be picked up by the mainstream, and used in campaign slogans against her.

She is on the record in Frank Bailey's book as "hating this job" when she was Governor before she quit,
and wishing she could get elected so she wouldn't have to go back to Alaska

Above all, the Queen Grifter hates to lose, ever since that black girl beat her  in the beauty contest.
And that my friends is exactly what Paylin sees life as... one giant beauty contest to get the most publicity
and the most money.  She is nothing if not a fame whore

If she does actually run for President, there is a small possibility she could win the nomination. And then
she'd have to debate, study up, and try not to melt down on national TV.  

We can only hope that the Klondie Kardashian idiot doesn't make it to the nomination, or the Presidency itself.  In some ways, America actually almost deserves a "leader" like Paylin, as our culture values idiocy, lack of knowledge, and exalts trivial pastimes.

A nascar cheerleader in tight shorts camel toe , singing  Amazing Grace is the best we can do now, I guess.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Why Sarah Palin is so dangerous to liberty in America

Over at Palingates,  Regina has written an articulate summary of  Sarah Palin's influence and why she's still a problem, and a threat to liberty in America.

Regina references Palin's "religious lunacy", and I would like to expand on that  a  bit.

Palin would be an ideal tool for the extreme christian supremacists, whose hidden goals are to liteally invade our society with their prejudicial and alienating beliefs and
precepts. Why ideal?  Because she's a fanatic christian dominionist, without the education in history, civics, government or comparative religion to afford her any perspective.

 Ms Palin of course has never been asked publicly in
any forum that I know of to explain her views on theocracy.

 No one has forced her to answer pointed questions on how the bible should be applied to society, by either informing her beliefs, or even being codified into law. 

Even if she was asked such specific questions, she would obfuscate, "refudiate", and run away verbally.  But her real stance  is much more sinister:  take America's society, and government in particular and enact theocratic based laws.

Ms Palin views herself as "under" the tutelage of such people as Pastor Muthee (the witch persecutor)who laid hands on her in her Wasilla church, and C Peter Wagner, the self appointed leader of the 7 mountains group of so-called "apostles"  These characters advocate  a truly medieval viewpoint to on issues ranging from children and women's rights to how the Federal government should allocate budgets.  They would be her chief advisors in the White House, should
Palin ever get elected.
George W Bush & Cheny trivialized the evangelicals, while paying lip service by funding "faith based" organizations.  the country.

Palin would go FAR beyond that, by appointing dominionists to nearly every office in government, and especially in her cabinet.  They would support Israel in every respect, regardless of the amount of money involved.

Their first targets would be to not only defund Planned Parenthood, but to appoint the most severely prejudiced judges, overturn R.v Wade, and eventually to attack Iran.

They probably wouldn't mind a nuclear war in the mid-east, since that would play right into Armageddon and end time theology..

It is imperative that we defeat Palin should she  win the nomination.  Even though I'm not that big a fan of Obama, I will work tirelessly to defeat the Queen Grifter should she win the nomination.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Force US citizens to christian indoctrination at gunpoint?

What is the Christian Domionist movement?   You may well ask.

Huck and David Barton are  members of this exclusive club.

That's right, they hold the US is Christian, or at least used to be, and they want you to
be forced to acknowledge their twisted version of history.

And they want to change society and our laws and constitution if they could.
They would remake America to a christian theocracy, and have dominion over every aspect
of daily life.

No longer could you buy beer or wine.  Businesses closed Sunday by force of law? No more freedom of religion?  Church attendance mandatory? All that in spite of what the 1st amendment says, or at least what we unsaved and unrepentant apostates believe.

What? Too radical, and you don't believe it? Here's Huck in live video shot declaring his wish that everyone should be forced  at GUNPOINT to listen to David Barton.

This is the idea that Christians are called to take complete control over every aspect of human life in order to bring about the return of Christ. There is something called "7 Mountains" theology that sets out seven specific aspects of the national culture that Christians are supposed to retake

Which leaves NO ROOM for buddhists, muslims, hindus, jews, agnostics, atheists, or anyone else
All the rest of us are 2nd class citizens.