With the debut of books released by credible sources Frank Bailey and Geoffrey Dunn, the Palin sycophants
are under the gun to build any credibility to their princess
Caribou Barbie herself has been reported on good authority by a waitress' first hand report in an Arizona restaurant as being obssessed with the Iimmoral Minority Blog
PAY-lin is trying to counteract the negative publicity of these books, and the upcoming Alaska email releases by her pathetic "fundamental" tour of the Eastern US. She's actually very worried that some of these emails will be picked up by the mainstream, and used in campaign slogans against her.
She is on the record in Frank Bailey's book as "hating this job" when she was Governor before she quit,
and wishing she could get elected so she wouldn't have to go back to Alaska
Above all, the Queen Grifter hates to lose, ever since that black girl beat her in the beauty contest.
And that my friends is exactly what Paylin sees life as... one giant beauty contest to get the most publicity
and the most money. She is nothing if not a fame whore
If she does actually run for President, there is a small possibility she could win the nomination. And then
she'd have to debate, study up, and try not to melt down on national TV.
We can only hope that the Klondie Kardashian idiot doesn't make it to the nomination, or the Presidency itself. In some ways, America actually almost deserves a "leader" like Paylin, as our culture values idiocy, lack of knowledge, and exalts trivial pastimes.
A nascar cheerleader in tight shorts camel toe , singing Amazing Grace is the best we can do now, I guess.
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